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Jacqueline’s day!

Publié le 13 mai 2024 Mis à jour le 13 mai 2024
LECD BayLab Nanterre UFR SPSE
LECD BayLab Nanterre UFR SPSE

The development and emergence of sensorimotor coordination Or a celebration of Jacqueline’s work, friendship and mentorship 6th of june 2024 - Amphi Weber – Université Paris Nanterre


le 6 juin 2024


Bâtiment Max Weber (W)

The development and emergence of sensorimotor coordination 
Or a celebration of Jacqueline’s work, friendship and mentorship 

6th of june 2024 - Amphi Weber – Université Paris Nanterre

09h00-09h15 : Welcome coffee and croissants! 

09h15-09h30 : Quick inauguration of the day by Rana and Lauriane.
09h30-10h00 : The serious stuff starts with Jacqueline’s talk: fetal origins of arm and hand movements. 
10h00-10h30 : Daniela Corbetta: 
From self-touch, to reaching, to hand preference: A detailed look at a developmental cascade. 
10h30-11h00 : Jeff Lockman: The embodied self:  From self-reaching to self-recognition.

11h00-11h30 : Coffee break.

11h30-12h00 : Marianne Jover: to be announced.
12h00-12h30 : Eszter Somogyi: to be announced.

12h30-14h00 : Lunch.

14h00-14h30 : Erik Domellöf: Predictive action and the sense of agency: the case of autism.
14h30-15h00 : Louise Rönnqvist: Long-lasting effects of extremely preterm birth on brain development and sensorimotor and cognitive functions.
15h00-15h30 : Adrien Meguerditchian: to be announced. 

15h30-16h00: Coffee and treats.

16h00-16h30 : Birgit Elsner: Movements or goals? What young children learn from observing others’ goal-directed actions.
16h30-17h00 : Matej Hoffmann: Understanding infant development through baby humanoid robots.
17h00-17h30 : Jessica Dubois: to be announced.

17h30-17h45 : Very small break! 

17h45-18h15 : Véronique Izard et Agnès Roby: Jacqueline Fagard and ethics committees: an action-research project in France.
18h15-18h30 : Closure by Kevin O’Regan.

Mis à jour le 13 mai 2024