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Workshop on Emotions and Learning

Publié le 13 mai 2024 Mis à jour le 28 mai 2024
Emolearn LECD
Emolearn LECD

le 7 juin 2024


Bâtiment Max Weber (W)

09h00-09h30: Welcome

09h30–10h15: Introduction and presentation of the EmoLearn project: by Lauriane Rat-Fischer and Rana Esseily (Université Paris Nanterre, France)

10h15-10h30: Coffee break

10h30-12h00: Roundtable 1 – Humor Development in Infants
  • Elena Hoicka (University of Bristol, UK): The development of the Early Humor Survey and its applications
  • Eleni Loizou (University of Cyprus): Infant-Toddler Humor as Creative Social Exchanges
  • Gina Mireault (Vermont State University, USA): Is there Humor in Magic? The Affordances of Social Partners & Repetition in VoEs
  • Discussant: Hiroko Norimatsu (Université de Toulouse II, France)

12h00-13h30: Lunch

13h30-15h00: Roundtable 2: Curiosity, Surprise, and Learning
  • Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (INRIA Bordeaux, France): Three fundamental ingredients for open-ended learning in infants and machines: learning progress, autotelism and language
  • Celeste Kidd (UC Berkeley, USA): To be announced
  • Romain di Stasi (Université Paris Nanterre, France): Unraveling the Impact of Surprise in Humor-Enhanced Learning in infants
  • Discussant: Francesco Poli (University of Cambridge)

15h00-15h30: Coffee break

15h30-17h00: Roundtable 3 – Social Cognition and Emotions
  • Alexis Smith-Flores (University of California, USA): Joint reasoning about emotion and social relationships
  • Birgit Elsner (Universität Potsdam, Germany): Happy with what you did? Infants use emotional cues as indicators of other persons’ action goals
  • Ildiko Kiraly (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest): The natural pedagogy of emotions
  • Discussant: Jacqueline Fagard (Université Paris Descartes, France)

17h-17h30: Conclusions: Rana Esseily & Lauriane Rat-Fischer

Mis à jour le 28 mai 2024